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MobiKin Transfer for Mobile 3.1.32

MobiKin Transfer for Mobile 3.1.32

Купили новый телефон и хотите перенести данные со старого телефона на новый? Или просто хотите поделиться чем-то между двумя разными устройствами? Transfer for Mobile для мобильных устройств поможет вам легко завершить перенос данных.

Особенности MobiKin Transfer for Mobile
·Простое резервное копирование данных на вашем iPhone или Android на ПК / Mac без потери данных.
·Восстановление данных резервное копирование из резервной копии iTunes на вашем устройстве, как вы хотите.
·Переход с Android на iOS: поддерживает контакты и книг с телефона Андроид для чтения компакт-дисков.
·Передачи с iOS на iOS: поддержка, чтобы скопировать контакты, календарь, заметки, закладки и книг между устройствами iOS.
·Передача Android для Android: копирование контактов, текстовых сообщений, журналов вызовов, музыки, видео, фотографий, документов и приложений между двумя телефонами Android.
·Перевод iOS на Android: синхронизация контактов, СМС, музыку, видео, фотографии и книги с устройства iOS на ваш телефон.
Очистить данные перед копированием удалять данные, сохраненные на цель телефона перед передачей данных.

Switch to a new phone and wish to move data from the old phone to the new one? Or simply wish to share something between two different devices? MobiKin Transfer for Mobile can help you finish the data transference easily.

Transfer Files to Android Device with Ease
Can't find an effective way to transfer data from old phone to your new Android device? Don't worry! MobiKin Transfer for Mobile makes it easy for you to copy data from one device (iDevice/Android) to another mobile phone without restrictions. All transmission can be done with 1 simple click and risk-free.

• Android to Android Transfer: copy contacts, text messages, call logs, music, videos, photos, documents and apps between two Android phones.
• iOS to Android Transfer: sync contacts, SMS, music, videos, photos and books from iOS device to an Android phone.
• Clear Data before Copying: remove the saved data on your destination Android phone before you transfer the data.

Switch to A New iDevice with One Click
Getting a new iPhone/iPad/iPod and can't wait to enjoy the wonderful device? Just see here! MobiKin Transfer for Mobile can help you switch to the new iDevice with one simple click. In addition, the transfer is very fast and no any quality will be lost during the moving process. Now just see what this program can do for you:

• Android to iOS Transfer: support to transfer contacts and books from Android phone to an iDevice.
• iOS to iOS Transfer: support to copy contacts, calendars, notes, bookmarks and books between iOS devices.

Backup & Restore The Data on Your Devices without Data Loss
For upgrading your mobile phone to the latest one or switching it from one to another with different carrier, you may need to move something important between them. But during the moving process, you may wrongly delete or accidentally damage the data. So to avoid this issue, you can use MobiKin Transfer for Mobile to:

• Easily back up the data on your iPhone or Android to PC/Mac without losing data.
• Restore the backed up data from iTunes backups to your device as you like.

Support for 3000+ Phones
Since this software is designed to help users transfer contents between different mobile phones, so it is no doubt that the program can work well with various phones from different manufacturers. And after hundreds of tested from our technical team, we have proved that this software works well with almost 3000+ mobile phones.

Год: 2020
: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10
Интерфейс: ENG
Лекарство: в комплекте
Размер: 21.7 Мб

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