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StudioLine Photo Classic 4.2.63

StudioLine Photo Classic 4.2.63

StudioLine Photo Classic - это высокоэффективный, профессиональный редактор и менеджер цифровых фотографий и других графических изображений. Упорядочивает фотоархив и редактирует параметры фотографий. Имеет интегрированную функцию конвертера формата изображений, а также элементы графического редактора. Поддерживаются стандарт IPTC, читает и редактирует метаданные EXIF, поддержка RAW.

StudioLine Photo Classic is a highly efficient, professional editor and Manager of digital photos and other graphic images. Organizes the photo archive and edits the photo settings. It has an integrated image format Converter function as well as graphic editor elements. Supports the IPTC standard, reads and edits EXIF metadata, support for RAW.

Features of the program:

* Allows you to search the database.
* Import images from scanner and camera in all popular formats.
• Has professional tools to work with images that will rectify the defect on digital photos.
* Add description to images.
* Rating photos.
* Support dual monitor computers.
* You can run multiple StudioLine objects at the same time.
* Change the scale and size.
* Send photo by email.
* The ability to make high-quality prints on the printer.
* View in slideshow mode, including on two monitors at once.
* Create and publish a web gallery.
• Backup to CD/DVD discs.
* Automatic updates module.

Возможности программы:

• Позволяет проводить поиск по базе данных.
• Импорт изображения со сканера и фотокамеры во всех популярных форматах.
• Имеет профессиональные инструменты для работы с изображениями, которые позволят устранить дефекты на цифровых фотографиях.
• Добавление к изображениям описания.
• Выставление фотографиям рейтинга.
• Поддержка компьютеров с двумя мониторами.
• Можно запустить несколько объектов StudioLine одновременно.
• Изменение масштабов и размеров.
• Отправка фотографии по электронной почте.
• Возможность сделать высококачественные распечатки на принтере.
• Просмотр в режиме слайд-шоу, в том числе сразу на двух мониторах.
• Создание и публикация веб-галереи.
• Копирование на CD/DVD-диски.
• Модуль автоматических обновлений.

Особенности программы

• All in One - Plus Networking
StudioLine Photo Pro is a multi-user product for server-based networks. The initial license covers the server instance plus 5 workstations. Additional workstations licenses can be added at any time.Sophisticated user administration functions are available to manage users, groups and permissions. Using a group-centric security model makes it easy to control capabilities for staff and grant varied access levels to specific image archive folders.
• Your Personal Load Assistant
Quickly and easily load images from you camera, hard disk or other drives. Any files not previously loaded are automatically suggested and selected.
• Pre-defined Tool Settings
Store frequently used image tools (filters) or entire filter sequences as templates. This way the same tool settings are available at any time to treat further images with the same editing steps.
• Protect Your Images
Superimpose your personal watermark into your images to prevent unauthorized use. Any graphics and text may be combined to create watermarks.
• Easy Print
Create print layout to suit various occasions. Taylor your images for optimal print results on the desired output medium.
• MediaCenter
Quickly and easily share your photos and videos on the web with friends and family. You control who may access each of your online albums, and if downloading is permitted. Visitors of your albums can search images based on embedded information, or view them as a slide show or on a map.
• Professional Image Editing
Numerous images tools such as white balance, unsharp mask oder RGB mixer are available. All editing steps are non-destructive; they are kept in a database and the original image remains untouched. A few quick steps and your foto set will appear as a slide show, is published as a gallery to the web or burned onto CD/DVD, or is sent via email to your circle of friends.
• Archival Made Easy
Categorize your images with unlimited text in system and user descriptors or by assigning keywords and ratings. After that, searching for specific images or those matching a certain theme is child's play.
• Presentation
View your images in your own albums, in the advanced Timeline Explorer or by keywords and categories. Avoid data loss by backing up your image archive, with all metadata and image edits, to CD, DVD or secondary hard disk.
• Convenient Geotagging
Geotag your images with GPS coordinates from GPS loggers or GPS equipped digital cameras. Or, use the Geo Explorer to drag untagged images to the correct location on a map.

Системные требования

Windows® 8.1, Windows® 10
Multi-core processor with a minimum of 1.6 GHz,
higher recommended
4 GB RAM, more recommended
150 MB disk space for programs
(allow extra space for data)
24 bit graphics adapter with monitor resolution of
1024 x 768 pixels


Информация о программе (файле):

Название: StudioLine Photo Classic
Разработчик StudioLine
Ключ: есть
Размер: 115 Мб
Версия: 4.2.63
Год выпуска: 2021
Тип файла: RAR архив
Язык интерфейса: Ml / Eng & etc
Операционная система: Windows® /8.1 Windows® Server 2012 R2 or higher / 10

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