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Factology Vikings

Factology Vikings

What do you think of when you hear the word Viking? Do you picture a race of fierce seafaring warriors wearing horrible horned helmets? Well, the reality is a bit more complicated.

For starters, their helmets didn’t have any horns! And they also weren’t just one people. The Vikings who raided Europe’s coasts came from all over Scandinavia, and lots of people from those countries never even picked up a sword—they preferred to stay at home and farm their own land, thank you very much! Travel back in time to the Age of the Vikings with this fact-packed magazine. From barbarians who built breath-taking boats to designers who donned dazzling duds, find out more about the real Vikings.

Learn how a Viking adventurer discovered America, why they raided European countries for treasure and slaves, the bloody and brutal laws that governed Viking society, and why they buried their dead in ships. Glorious gods, mind-blowing myths, remarkable runes—get ready to discover all the most fascinating facts about these raiders, traders, and history makers.

Название: Factology Vikings
Издательство: a360madia
Год выхода: 2023
Страниц: 100
Формат: True PDF
Качество: хорошее
Язык: English
Размер: 87 MB

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