TrueCAD 2020 - это новый профессиональный продукт САПР, предназначенная для проектирования 2D-чертежей и 3D-моделирования на основе решения ITC Intellicad. TrueCAD 2020 предлагает функциональность, близкую к ActCAD 2020 Proffesional. В нем используется также новейшие решения Intellicad и предназначен для создания и редактирования чертежей.
Кроме того, TrueCAD имеет множество дополнительных команд, функций и других инструментов повышения производительности. Конвертер пакетных файлов, конвертер единиц и множество других инструментов для повышения производительности. TrueCAD поддерживает множество форматов, таких как dgn, STL, OBJ, 2D PDF, SVG и многие другие.
Программа обеспечивает непревзойденную совместимость и огромную производительность интерпретатора LISP. TrueCAD имеет оптимизированный графический движок openGL, которая позволяет аппаратное ускорение видеокарт. Это обеспечивает надежную работу даже при сложных заданиях на больших чертежах. TrueCAD обеспечивает чрезвычайно удобную смену представлений, визуальных стилей, видовом и многих других параметров. Поддерживается пакет для геодезистов GeoView. Данный продукт изначально поддерживает форматы DWG и DXF, это означает отсутствие необходимости преобразования этих форматов файлов. Продукт также поддерживает файлы Microstation DGN.
• Economical : Very Low Life-time Price with full functions
• No Special Learning : Familiar interface, commands & Icons
• Best Performance : True power of 64bit & Multi-threading
• Perpetual Licenses : Global Validity & Self-License Transfer
• TrueCAD Converter : Batch Auditing & File Conversions
• All DWG & DXF versions : From R2 to 2018
• PDF Support : 3D PDF Export, 2D PDF Import & Export
• Raster to Vector : Image/Scanned Drawings to DXF Conversion
• Express Tools & Add-on Features
• Fully Loaded : Almost close to other Expensive CAD Software
• Content Management : Over 5000 Blocks included. Add your own too.
• Many File Formats : DWG, DXF, DGN, DWF, SVG, PDF, OBJ, Images etc.
- All New Interface, Icons and Toolbars
- Artisan Professional Rendering Module
- New TABLE Creating & Editing
- New Hatch Dialog with Gradient Support
- TrueCAD Block Libraries
- New REFEDIT Dialog to select Nested Blocks
- New Select Similar, Burst, Multi-leader Commands
- New FIELD Dialog with several options
- Added File Search Option in File Open
- Export 2D PDF and .bmp files from drawing
- Added more viewport controls for changing views & visual styles
- New Express Tools Menu & Ribbon Tab
- New GATTE Command to edit Group Attributes
- New high resolution PDF Printer with Gradient Hatch Print support
- Many new commands like AIDIMFILPARROW, TCASE, TEXTFIT, TJUST, DIM etc.
New in IntelliCAD 9.1
-The flood fill hatch algorithm was refactored for improved performance.
-Improved performance when snapping to .pdf files, blocks with many nested entities, and point clouds.
-Opening external reference files is now faster.
-Improved performance when selecting by window.
Working with Files:
-Attach digital signatures to .dwg files, and validate attached digital signatures.
-For IntelliCAD versions that support working with .dgn files in their native format, additional features are now available: SOLID, CHPROP, HATCH,
-For IntelliCAD versions that support working with BIM files in their native formats: now you can draw stairs, railings, and steel.
User Interface:
-In the command bar, click keywords to select options when you run a command. As a result, prompt boxes have been turned off by default. To turn them on, go to Tools > Options > Display.
-Click Toggle Clean Screen On/Off in the status bar to quickly hide most user interface items so that only model and layout tabs, the menu bar and the status bar are displayed on the screen. Click again to reverse the effects.
-Add blocks to tool palettes, which is similar to creating a stencil for quickly selecting and adding anything from shapes to complex blocks to your drawings.
-To customize the user interface, use the Customize User Interface (CUI) command. The Customize (CUSTOMIZE) command is now used for customizing tool palettes into groups and importing and exporting tool palettes.
-Set the transparency of the Properties pane, Tool Palettes pane, and Explorer Palette pane.
-Reset the ribbon (for IntelliCAD versions that have a ribbon), menus, toolbars, aliases, keyboard shortcuts, and double-click actions to their original settings using the Reset User Interface (RESETUI) command.
-The new Save Workspace (WSSAVE) command is a shortcut for saving a workspace and its settings.
-The new File Tab and File Tab Close commands are shortcuts for turning the display of file tabs at the top of the drawing on or off.
-The Close All Others (CLOSEALLOTHER) command closes all drawing windows except the current one.
Creating Entities:
-The new Gradient command is a shortcut for using the Hatch and Gradient dialog box to add gradients to entities.
-Convert entities to three-dimensional meshes or surfaces using the Convert to Mesh and Convert to Surface commands.
-Use the FM3DCONVERT and FMEXTRUDE commands to convert more types of three-dimensional entities to other types of three-dimensional entities.
Selecting and Modifying Entities:
-New selection grips allow you to quickly move, scale, and rotate all selected entities. These types of grips can be helpful for schematic drawings where precise scale or sizing is not required.
Viewing Entities:
-Use the new List Viewport Scale command to obtain the scale of a selected viewport on a Layout tab.
-Use the new Synchronize Viewport command to synchronize all selected viewports to use the zoom factor of a master viewport that you select.
-Change the display of edges of three-dimensional entities using these new commands:
-The Edge command controls the visibility of selected edges of 3D faces.
-The Show Edges command displays all edges of selected 3D faces, meshes, and polyface meshes.
-The Hide Edges command hides all edges of selected 3D faces, meshes, and polyface meshes.
-Create and edit blocks using the new Block Editor, which allows you to draw and save a block in-place, directly in the drawing area.
-Print directly to PDF, including support for many sheet sizes and PDF options.
-Publish to PDF, including support for many PDF options.
-Select from new sheet sizes included for printing to raster images.
-Load IRX applications automatically in IntelliCAD via the registry.
More Features:
-The System Variable Manager displays all system variables and their values. You can change system variables and include them in reactors.
-Choose from more formatting styles for lists of multiline text. Just start typing, for example, type (1) to start a numbered list with parentheses.
-Open the standard Microsoft® Windows® Notepad application using the Notepad command.
• OS : Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 & 10
• CPU: Any CPU above 2GHz speed
• RAM : 3GB (higher RAM is better)
• Hard Disk : 1GB free space
New TrueCAD 2020 Premium Software
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Информация о программе:
Год выпуска: 2019
Платформа/ОС: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 & 10 (x64)
Язык интерфейса: Multilanguage / Русский / English
Лекарство: В комплекте
Размер: 504 MB
Скачать TrueCAD 2020 Premium
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