The Complete Linux Coding Manual - 17th Edition 2023

The Complete Linux Coding Manual - 17th Edition 2023

Discover everything you need to know to master coding with the Linux OS! Those who have adopted the open source world into their digital life have found this remarkable operating system, and the available free programs it offers, a breath of fresh air. Linux offers the user a fast, secure environment, free from bloated software, to work and play on. Not only are you able to configure it to your own personal tastes, you can also enjoy a superb everyday desktop operating system that’s developed by a community of like-minded users. So join our team of experts as they take you through new guides and tutorials to help you build your knowledge with each new issue.

Автор: Papercut
Язык: английский
Жанр: Компьютерная литература, программирование, manual, справочник, мануал, руководство
Формат: PDF

The Complete Python Coding Manual - 17th Edition 2023

The Complete Python Coding Manual - 17th Edition 2023

Python is a versatile language and its rise in popularity is certainly no surprise. Its similarity to everyday language has made it a perfect companion for the Raspberry Pi, which is often a first step into practical programming. But don’t be fooled by its beginner-friendly credentials – Python has plenty of more advanced functions. In this new edition, you will learn how to program in Python, discover amazing projects to improve your understanding, and find ways to use Python to enhance your experience of computing. You’ll also create fun projects including programming a Space Invaders clone and teaching your Raspberry Pi to multi-task. Let’s get coding!

Автор: Papercut
Язык: английский
Жанр: Компьютерная литература, программирование, manual, справочник, мануал, руководство
Формат: PDF