Wеekly Plаyboy №29 - 15 July 2024

Weekly Playboy - это японский мужской журнал, как и американский Playboy, он считается журналом только для взрослых из-за галереи обнажённых моделей.
Weekly Playboy is a men's magazine that has been releasing at a weekly rate since 1966, despite its name, it is not the regional version of the better-known American Playboy (though that was also published by Shueisha, as Monthly Playboy, from 1975-2009). Though it is a very general magazine in that it has a little bit of everything (such as columns, interviews, articles and manga), much like the American Playboy, it is regarded as an adults only magazine due to the small gallery of nude models
Автор: Shueisha
Язык: японский
Жанр: девушки, развлекательный, эротика
Формат: PDF