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History of the Supernatural - 1st Edition 2024

History of the Supernatural - 1st Edition 2024

Журнал про мистические и невероятные истории, потому что именно такие — необъяснимые и загадочные события интересовали человечество всегда. Кроме этого, на страницах журнала статьи о загадочных силах природы, рассказы очевидцев о встречах с внеземным разумом и многое другое.

Explore sites of power, faerie magic, and ghosts & hauntings. Do you dare visit these paranormal places? Uncover the secrets of the mysterious otherworld in this first edition.

Автор: Future
Язык: английский
Жанр: сверхъестественное, история, открытия, мистика
Формат: PDF

History of War Defining Battles of World War II – 6th Edition 2024

History of War Defining Battles of World War II – 6th Edition 2024

On 1 September 1939, Hitler’s army marched into Poland. Two days later Britain and France declared war on Nazi Germany. Just over 20 years after the end of the Great War, in which 20 million people died, the world was back in the clutches of a global conflict that would become the deadliest in history. For over five years battles raged around the globe, from Europe and Asia to the Atlantic and Pacific. In Defining Battles of World War II we take an in-depth look at some of the most significant campaigns and key battles of the conflict, from early German manoeuvres in Western Europe and Hitler’s fateful decision to invade the Soviet Union, to the Japanese attacks on Pearl Harbor and Singapore.

Автор: Future
Язык: английский
Жанр: военная история
Формат: PDF