Cloud Computing For Beginners - 19th Edition 2024

Cloud Computing For Beginners - 19th Edition 2024

Что такое облачные вычисления? В этом руководстве по облачным вычислениям вы узнаете, как получить максимальную отдачу от облачных вычислений и связанных с ними технологий. Хотите узнать, как получить максимальную отдачу от Google, iCIoud и OneDrive и как облачные вычисления могут помочь вашему бизнесу? Ответы вы найдете в этой книге.
Cloud Computing For Beginners is your first choice if you're perpetually confused as to what The Cloud is? With this Cloud Computing guidebook, you will learn how to get the most from the Cloud and the technologies relating to it. Want to know how to get the most from Google, iCIoud or OneDrive, how about using the Cloud for business? It's all in here.

Автор: Papercut Limited
Язык: английский
Жанр: manual, справочник, мануал, руководство, облачные вычисления
Формат: PDF

The Complete Cloud Computing Manual - 3rd Edition 2023

The Complete Cloud Computing Manual - 3rd Edition 2023

Learn how to make the most of the cloud for home & business! Cloud computing has been with us for a while now, giving home, small to medium business and enterprise users a new way in which to support and utilise their infrastructure and data. While the cloud may come with many concerns, chiefly that of security of data, it’s one of the fastest growing and interesting aspects of modern computing. With The Cloud Computing Guidebook we will show you how to implement and better utilise the cloud: personally or for your business. We also look at how to secure and even build your own cloud service. 100% unofficial.

Автор: Papercut Limited
Язык: английский
Жанр: компьютерная литература, облачные вычисления, manual, справочник
Формат: PDF

The Complete Cloud Computing Manual 17th Edition, 2023

The Complete Cloud Computing Manual 17th Edition, 2023

Learn how to make the most of the cloud for home & business! Cloud computing has been with us for a while now, giving home, small to medium business and enterprise users a new way in which to support and utilise their infrastructure and data. While the cloud may come with many concerns, chiefly that of security of data, it’s one of the fastest growing and interesting aspects of modern computing. With The Cloud Computing Guidebook we will show you how to implement and better utilise the cloud: personally or for your business. We also look at how to secure and even build your own cloud service. 100% unofficial.

Автор: Papercut Ltd
Язык: английский
Жанр: компьютерная литература, облачные вычисления, manual, справочник
Формат: PDF