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Modern Railways - April 2024

Modern Railways - April 2024

Основанный более 50 лет назад, журнал Modern Railways заслужил репутацию авторитетного железнодорожного журнала в отрасли. Предоставляя всесторонний обзор всех аспектов отрасли, от тяги и подвижного состава до сигнализации и управления инфраструктурой, Modern Railways содержит последние новости наряду с подробным анализом, что делает его популярным как для профессионалов отрасли, так и для любителей железных дорог.

Established for 50 years, Modern Railways has earned its reputation in the industry as a highly respected railway journal. Providing in-depth coverage of all aspects of the industry, from traction and rolling stock to signalling and infrastructure management, Modern Railways carries the latest news alongside detailed analysis, making it essential reading for industry professionals and railway enthusiasts alike.

Автор: Key Publishing
Язык: English
Жанр: транспорт, железные дороги
Формат: PDF

Rail - Issue 1004, 2024

Rail - Issue 1004, 2024

Published fortnightly by Bauer Media, RAIL is the market-leading magazine covering Britain’s railways. Launched in 1981, originally as a bi-monthly magazine, RAIL is designed to be the first choice for anyone interested in today’s railway, whatever their reason. RAIL’s second-to-none news coverage is given context by its top-quality opinion, comment and analysis pieces from Britain’s leading expert commentators. RAIL’s news and features coverage embraces the full spectrum of activity, from Government policy and involvement, to operations, maintenance and services provided by Network Rail, train operators and the wider industry. Light rail and tramways are also covered in a magazine which campaigns hard for a fair deal for Britain’s railway.

Автор: auer Consumer Media
Язык: English
Жанр: транспорт, железные дороги, легкорельсовый транспорт, трамваи,
Формат: True PDF

Modern Railways - March 2024

Modern Railways - March 2024

Основанный более 50 лет назад, журнал Modern Railways заслужил репутацию авторитетного железнодорожного журнала в отрасли. Предоставляя всесторонний обзор всех аспектов отрасли, от тяги и подвижного состава до сигнализации и управления инфраструктурой, Modern Railways содержит последние новости наряду с подробным анализом, что делает его популярным как для профессионалов отрасли, так и для любителей железных дорог.

Established for 50 years, Modern Railways has earned its reputation in the industry as a highly respected railway journal. Providing in-depth coverage of all aspects of the industry, from traction and rolling stock to signalling and infrastructure management, Modern Railways carries the latest news alongside detailed analysis, making it essential reading for industry professionals and railway enthusiasts alike.

Автор: Key Publishing
Язык: English
Жанр: транспорт, железные дороги
Формат: PDF

Rail - Issue 1001, 2024

Rail - Issue 1001, 2024

Published fortnightly by Bauer Media, RAIL is the market-leading magazine covering Britain’s railways. Launched in 1981, originally as a bi-monthly magazine, RAIL is designed to be the first choice for anyone interested in today’s railway, whatever their reason. RAIL’s second-to-none news coverage is given context by its top-quality opinion, comment and analysis pieces from Britain’s leading expert commentators. RAIL’s news and features coverage embraces the full spectrum of activity, from Government policy and involvement, to operations, maintenance and services provided by Network Rail, train operators and the wider industry. Light rail and tramways are also covered in a magazine which campaigns hard for a fair deal for Britain’s railway.

Автор: Bauer Consumer Media
Язык: English
Жанр: транспорт, железные дороги, легкорельсовый транспорт, трамваи,
Формат: True PDF

MLIPlus Modern Locomotives Illustrated №262 August/September 2023

MLIPlus Modern Locomotives Illustrated №262 August/September 2023

MLIPlus, a relaunch of Modern Locomotives Illustrated, is a unique bi-monthly modern traction magazine dedicated to recording the development and operation of UK diesel and electric fleets. MLIPlus is bigger and better than its predecessor with a fresh design which includes high-quality images and an extra focus on railway modelling. It aims to give readers a full history of classes under review - tracing development, construction, operation and demise of the fleet.

Автор: Key Publishing
Язык: English
Жанр: транспорт, железнoдорожный,
Формат: PDF

Modern Railways – December 2022

Modern Railways – December 2022

Основанный более 50 лет назад, журнал Modern Railways заслужил репутацию авторитетного железнодорожного журнала в отрасли. Предоставляя всесторонний обзор всех аспектов отрасли, от тяги и подвижного состава до сигнализации и управления инфраструктурой, Modern Railways содержит последние новости наряду с подробным анализом, что делает его популярным как для профессионалов отрасли, так и для любителей железных дорог.

Established for 50 years, Modern Railways has earned its reputation in the industry as a highly respected railway journal. Providing in-depth coverage of all aspects of the industry, from traction and rolling stock to signalling and infrastructure management, Modern Railways carries the latest news alongside detailed analysis, making it essential reading for industry professionals and railway enthusiasts alike.

Автор: Key Publishing
Язык: английский
Жанр: транспорт, железные дороги
Формат: True PDF